
Virtual walks in the Cotswolds

Let us take you on virtual tours to discover the treasures of the Cotswolds beyond its honey-coloured cottages and emerald green rolling hills.

Please contact us if you wish to receive a link to the recording of any of our webinars to find out what it’s like to walk the ancient network of footpaths, and see the Cotswolds through the eyes of our expert guides!

Our programme

Self-guided walks in the Cotswolds, a walkers' paradise

Your guide: Andrew Guppy, Owner and Director of Cotswold Walks


Andrew spent many years as a tour guide for an international travel company and finding a career closer to home that was going to offer the same rewards was not easy. The opportunity soon arose when the previous owners of Cotswold Walks were looking for someone to take over the running of the company. Having successfully grown the company and living in the heart of the Cotswolds, Andrew’s passion for walking and leading tours enables him to get out of the office as much as possible and meet our clients.

About this virtual walk:

Andrew will take you on a tour to show you how the Cotswolds became a walkers' paradise and the walking capital of England with its ancient network of footpaths. Join Andrew to find out what it's like to be on a self-guided walking tour in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with its rolling hills and “chocolate box” historic villages today.

Please contact us if you wish to receive a link to the recording of this webinar.

Glorious Cotswold Gardens

Your guides: Andrew Guppy and Vivienne McGhee


Vivienne, a former nurse and lawyer who – inspired by her mother – has gardened since childhood, has created five wonderful gardens in the various houses where she has lived. Following retirement from full time work Vivienne was elected chairman of Hardy Plant Society, a Charity in the UK with over 7000 members. She was Chairman for four years but now enjoys more time in her own garden. Vivienne is also a Cotswold Voluntary Warden leading many town and country walks throughout the seasons.


About this virtual walk:

Join Andrew and Vivienne to find out why the gardens of the Cotswolds attract thousands of visitors every year from all over the world. Let your guides show you around the abundance of extraordinary gardens the Cotswolds is blessed with, from traditional English country gardens to the grandiose and perfectly landscaped ones with royal connections.

Please contact us if you wish to receive a link to the recording of this webinar.

If you wish to make a small donation, that would be greatly appreciated, and in turn we will make a donation to the Churn Project. To make a donation, please visit www.paypal.com/paypalme/hikesandbikes
(Please note that the link connects to our sister company, Hikes and Bikes. Hikes and Bikes is the operator of our guided tours.)

Scenic Cotswolds Tour

Your guides: Andrew Guppy and Robert Talbot

Robert trained as a cartographer and worked for an international book publisher before his love of walking took over. Robert has lived in the Cotswolds for 22 years, and as an active Cotswold Voluntary Warden, he spends some of his spare time mending stiles, gates, and repairing drystone walls. Robert is the creator of the Winchcombe Way and author of the Winchcombe Way Guide with appearances on radio and TV and featured in Country Walking magazine.


About this virtual walk:

Andrew and Robert will take you on a walk through the centuries to show you the real essence of the Cotswolds from its honey coloured limestone buildings to its exquisite country gardens. Your guides will help bring the fascinating history to life from the famous "Cotswold Lion" and the fabulously wealthy wool merchants to the iconic architecture and gardens that followed.

Please contact us if you wish to receive a link to the recording of this webinar.

If you wish to make a small donation, that would be greatly appreciated, and in turn we will make a donation to the Churn Project. To make a donation, please visit www.paypal.com/paypalme/hikesandbikes
(Please note that the link connects to our sister company, Hikes and Bikes. Hikes and Bikes is the operator of our guided tours.)

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